For many years there was one efficient way for you to store data on your computer – working with a disk drive (HDD). On the other hand, this kind of technology is presently showing it’s age – hard disk drives are loud and slow; they are power–ravenous and have a tendency to generate quite a lot of warmth in the course of serious procedures.

SSD drives, on the other hand, are fast, take in way less energy and are also much cooler. They furnish an innovative method to file access and data storage and are years ahead of HDDs with regards to file read/write speed, I/O effectiveness and also power efficacy. Discover how HDDs fare against the newer SSD drives.

1. Access Time


SSD drives give a fresh & innovative method to file storage according to the utilization of electronic interfaces rather than just about any moving components and revolving disks. This unique technology is considerably quicker, permitting a 0.1 millisecond data accessibility time.


HDD drives still make use of the same fundamental data file access concept that was initially developed in the 1950s. Even though it has been substantially enhanced ever since, it’s slow in comparison with what SSDs will offer. HDD drives’ data access rate ranges in between 5 and 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


The random I/O performance is very important for the performance of a file storage device. We’ve carried out thorough exams and have confirmed that an SSD can handle at the very least 6000 IO’s per second.


Over the same trials, the HDD drives confirmed to be significantly slower, with 400 IO operations maintained per second. While this might appear to be a significant number, for those who have an overloaded web server that contains many well–liked web sites, a sluggish hard disk could lead to slow–loading web sites.

3. Reliability


The lack of moving elements and spinning disks within SSD drives, and the recent advances in electric interface technology have led to an extremely better data storage device, having a common failing rate of 0.5%.


As we have observed, HDD drives make use of spinning disks. And something that employs a large number of moving components for extended amounts of time is at risk of failing.

HDD drives’ typical rate of failing varies between 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives function virtually soundlessly; they don’t make surplus warmth; they don’t call for extra cooling methods as well as use up way less energy.

Tests have revealed the normal electricity utilization of an SSD drive is somewhere between 2 and 5 watts.


HDD drives can be well known for being loud; they’re liable to getting too hot and in case you have several hard drives in one hosting server, you will need one more cooling device just for them.

All together, HDDs take in somewhere between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


As a result of SSD drives’ greater I/O efficiency, the leading web server CPU will be able to work with data file demands more rapidly and preserve time for other procedures.

The regular I/O delay for SSD drives is just 1%.


Compared with SSDs, HDDs allow for reduced data file accessibility rates. The CPU is going to wait for the HDD to come back the required file, scheduling its assets meanwhile.

The typical I/O delay for HDD drives is about 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


It’s time for some real–world cases. We produced a detailed platform backup with a web server using only SSDs for data storage uses. In that process, the typical service time for any I/O query kept beneath 20 ms.


Sticking with the same web server, but this time furnished with HDDs, the outcome were completely different. The average service time for any I/O request changed between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


A different real–life development will be the speed at which the data backup was made. With SSDs, a hosting server back–up now can take under 6 hours by making use of our hosting server–optimized software.


Throughout the years, we’ve used principally HDD drives with our servers and we’re knowledgeable of their overall performance. On a server furnished with HDD drives, an entire web server back–up normally takes about 20 to 24 hours.

Our VPS servers plus our normal hosting accounts offer SSD drives by default. Join our family here, at Vavatau Technology, and see how we just might help you transform your web site.

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