Support Channels

  • Video Tutorials
  • Video Courses

  • Learn quickly the simplest way to revise a document or import a database via our range of how–to video courses.

  • Ticketing System
  • A Ticketing System

  • Our customer support crew is at your disposal 24/7/365 to respond to all your requests. You will get a reply in no more than 60 mins following your ticket submission.

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Types of Guidance

  • Shared Hosting Support
  • Hosting Help

  • If you have concerns using our hosting services or need to have more resources for your web sites, just let us know and we’ll give you the best support.

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  • VPS Hosting Support
  • VPS Servers Help And Support

  • Provided that you require assistance working with your admin panel or with one of the pre–installed web applications, just let us know and we shall reply back to you in maximum one hour.

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  • Dedicated Hosting Support
  • Dedicated Servers Guidance

  • You like to alter the configuration of your dedicated server? We are online night and day to help you.

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  • Semi-dedicated Hosting Support
  • Semi-Dedicated Hosting Support

  • When you've got any problems with your semi-dedicated server or need help with a particular undertaking, don't wait to make contact with our competent staff of support engineers. They are available 24/6, all set to assist you.
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