• Help Center
  • Simple to Get

  • Getting a brand new SSL certificate is incredibly easy. All you need to do is send in the submission form in the Online Control Panel. You don’t have to get an account using a third party firm, there’s no need to lose time waiting for days to weeks for the SSL to be available.

  • Easy to Install
  • Easy to Install

  • When your domain name is hosted in an account with us, you can easily decide to have your new SSL certificate immediately installed. The smart system will address most of the labor so you won’t have to endure any typical set ups.

  • 24x7 Suport
  • 24x7 Support

  • We do provide a 24x7 support with each of the web hosting services. Our tech support technicians possess lots of knowledge dealing with SSL Services and are able to assist you with challenges that you may go through. They have a regular answer time frame of well under 20 min!

SSL Prices

Swipe left & right to view all SSLs
SSL 1 year
Regular SSL $30.00
Wildcard SSL $150.00

SSL Services with Vavatau Technology

An SSL certificate adds a very important protection layer to your sites. If you happen to own a web shop and collect funds, then an SSL Certificate is definitely a must–have since it will vastly add to the customer’s trust in your website.

With the help of Vavatau Technology, you can obtain a new SSL Certificate from one’s web hosting Control Panel. And when your domain name is hosted in your account with us, we’ll immediately install the SSL Certificate instead of you. Absolutely no further installation or hands–on configuration are necessary.

In addition to the normal SSL Services, you can also get a Wildcard SSL certificate. The Wildcard SSL Certificate can be set up on a lot of hostnames together. This is really convenient if you need to protect quite a few sites at the same time.

SSL Services, both standard and wildcard, available from Vavatau Technology, possess an authentic 2048–bit data encryption along with a $10 000 USD guarantee.You can get an SSL certificate with all our web hosting solutions – hosting, VPS servers, semi-dedicated servers, and dedicated servers.

Whois Privacy Protection

Defend the freely available details affiliated with your domain

When you register a new domain, the WHOIS information associated with it, by default, becomes instantly exposed to the public. In the Domain Manager included in your Control Panel, you’ll find a WHOIS protection feature that can help you conceal your personal details by replacing them with our contact details.

The WHOIS protection service is available with the majority of the Top–Level Domains offered on our website: .com, .info, .biz, .net, .org, .co, .co.za, .me, .tv, .pro, .cc.

Whois Privacy Protection

GeoIP Redirection Tool

Create location–based redirections

The Domain Manager gives you the opportunity to address a particular target audience based upon its whereabouts. With our GeoIP redirection tool, you can easily redirect the visitors coming from a certain geographical location to a certain part of your site that targets their needs. For instance, if you want to have a French version of your web site, you can create a subdomain fr.your–website.com and use the tool to direct the individuals from France and from the French–speaking countries around the world to this particular subdomain.

The GeoIP redirection tool sports an easy–to–work–with interface through which you will be able to set up a redirection with just a click of the mouse. There’s absolutely no necessity to type any code in the .htaccess file.

GeoIP Redirection Tool

Bulk Domain Name Registration Options

Rapidly register an array of domain names

To establish a brand on the Internet, often you ought to register several domains at the same time – new–brand.com, new–brand.net, etc. For this reason, our company offers an easy–to–work–with bulk domain name registration interface. It allows you to register an unlimited number of domains at the same time.

You may use the exact same WHOIS info for every single domain or fill in different WHOIS information for the domain names that you desire to register.

Bulk Domain Name Registration Options

Domain Parking

Domain parking designed straight forward

With Vavatau Technology’s web hosting Control Panel, domain name parking is easy and quick. You simply have to select the domain name you need to park and to pick one of our parking templates – For Sale or Under Construction. Our intelligent system will park your domain straight away with zero wait time. And in case you want to to un–park it, it can be accomplished with a single click of the mouse.

If you want to impart a tad more personal touch to the domain parking templates, you may also include custom text.

Domain Parking
  • Domain Names

  • .COM - $16.50/year
  • .NET - $17.00/year
  • .ORG - $16.00/year
  • Compare Domain Names