Q: What does the web site migration service consist of? Will my site be safe?

A: The website migration service offered by Vavatau Technology is completely free of cost and involves moving all your files, databases and e–mails from your present web hosting provider to your new hosting account with us. We’ll also edit all the settings needed for your web sites to be fully operational on our super–modern cloud hosting platform.Our techs are completely capable of transferring any type of site. With years of experience in this field, they are experts in the inner workings of our cloud hosting platform, our Control Panel and all other well–known Control Panels. For them, transferring a custom web app with plenty of custom libraries is as elementary as transferring a plain WordPress–based weblog.

Q: What does the web site migration service consist of? Will my site be safe?
Q: Web site migration sounds like a lot of work. How long will it take?

A: We try to perform all website migrations as quickly as possible. Nevertheless, we do not have a set time frame for web site migrations. There are several things that you have to consider – the mere size of your site and the workload of our web site migration staff, etc. We always strive to accomplish each migration within 48 hours. With less sizeable web sites, our team typically manages to finish within 24 hours.

Q: Web site migration sounds like a lot of work. How long will it take?
Q: Do you need anything from me before you start transferring my website?

A: Yep. We will require the name of the web site that you’d like us to transfer. We will also require a way to access your old hosting account so that we can get the files pertaining to your site.

Q: Do you need anything from me before you start transferring my website?
Q: I give you access to sensitive data. How can I be sure that you won’t abuse it?

A: Our Privacy Policy is an inseparable part of the contract that we will have with you as a client. We’re dedicated to protecting the security of the personal information obtained from the customers. To do this, we use technical security measures in order to prevent the loss, the abuse, the alteration or the unauthorized disclosure of the personal information under our control. The safety measures include, but are not limited to: physical, digital and administrative operations to protect and secure the data that we gather online. When we request clients to provide financial info (such as a debit card number), this info is encoded using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption method.

Q: I give you access to sensitive data. How can I be sure that you won’t abuse it?
Q: Will there be any outage for my web site?

A: Your web site will work just like it did before with your old hosting provider. Once we have completed the migration, your site will be configured to work on our web hosting platform and we’ll alert you to preview it. If everything is working properly, all you will need to do is edit the NS resource records associated with your domain name. Your web site will be migrated over to us without any downtime.

Q: Will there be any outage for my web site?
Q: Will my current web hosting provider need to provide any info/help?

A: While we move your content, your web hosting provider will not be aware of the migration at all. We will never touch base with them in any way.

Q: Will my current web hosting provider need to provide any info/help?
Q: Which hosting platforms do you support?

A: We can transfer your site from any hosting provider or any Linux–powered hosting platform on condition that we can receive access to the Control Panel and there’s FTP access available.The only websites that we are unable to transfer are those based on closed–source software applications like Wix, BaseKit, Jimdo, Website Tonight, Four Square and Mr Site.

Q: Which hosting platforms do you support?