From the Database Manager built–into the Online Control Panel, it will be possible to make brand–new MySQL and PgSQL databases immediately! Moreover, you will get direct access to the administration area software tools (phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin, respectively), so you’re able to instantly update the database you want.

A Simple to use Interface

Handle your databases with a click of the mouse

Taking control of your databases is simpler than ever, thanks to the Online Control Panel user interface for MySQL and PgSQL management! Assuming you do not have detailed experience of utilizing databases, it will be very easy to deal with our Database Manager.

You can make a new database by merely specifying the user name and security password or make a database backup with a simple click of the mouse. At the same time, from the Data Manager you have direct access to the administrative area for every single database, so that you can effortlessly modify it.

Hepsia File Manager

Straightforward Database Backup

Safeguard your database content with just a mouse click

Assuming you have dealt with databases, you know making a manual database backup is not an elementary task. In order to change this, we’ve made very simple tool that can back up your complete database with just one click. The back–up file is going to be ready for you in under a minute, with respect to the size of the chosen database.

You won’t notice any restrictions on the actual number of copies you can create for any selected database.

Hepsia File Manager

PgSQL Support

Just about the most stable open source databases

Most of our hosting bundles grant PgSQL support. Although falling behind MySQL in terms of reputation and usage, PgSQL databases are renowned for supplying the best level of safety for your web site content and articles. That’s the primary reason why companies such as Skype and Yahoo use PgSQL databases as a substitute for MySQL.

In relation to database administration, PgSQL is identically hassle–free as MySQL.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The fresh new face of MySQL

With Vavatau Technology, you’ll invariably discover the latest release of MySQL as well as the default MySQL storage engine – InnoDB, set up.

InnoDB is much more secure when compared to the past storage engine’s version – MyISAM. It is ACID–compliant and, most significantly – it has total transaction support. What’s more, it utilizes row–level locking, as an alternative to MyISAM’s table–level locking, that would always cause efficiency problems at peak usage occasions.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

In depth stats for your databases

Tracking the load generated by the databases on your active web site will help you avoid all kinds of overload issues that can slow it down and ward off visitors. For this specific purpose, we have bundled a descriptive Database Stats tool into your Online Control Panel. There you will find in depth info about the inbound requests to your databases for each hour, day and month.

Depending on the quantity of day–to–day and hourly queries, you’re going to be able to find out which databases are used the most and also take procedures to optimize their load.

Hepsia File Manager