In the Vavatau Technology Online Control Panel, there is also a hassle–free tool that will enable you to use a brand new PHP framework within seconds. The Frameworks Installer tool completes the full task on your behalf, therefore eliminates the necessity to obtain, integrate and after that set up your framework prior to starting your enterprise. You shall be prepared to start off your framework reliant undertaking in no time, with minimum effort.

Different frameworks on hand

Launch your online project with a framework

There are many PHP frameworks on the internet that are competing to provide the greatest platform for your personal web sites. Vavatau Technology’s PHP Framework Installer provides some of the more well–known and widespread PHP frameworks: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.

All of these frameworks could very well be set up with a click and it’s modified to the most up–to–date stable release continuously.

Various PHP frameworks available

1–click PHP framework set up

Your PHP framework is merely a mouse click away

The PHP Framework Installer is designed to help you to begin your internet initiatives really easy. Inside the tool we’ve included Vavatau Technology’s quick installation technique which offers you an option to type your requirements and initiate the set up procedure with just a click.

Now it’s possible to set up a PHP framework with merely a click. All you have to do is choose where to integrate on the server. Our clever tool will perform the setup task for you, so you can begin using your framework straightaway.

1-click PHP framework installation

1–click data backup

The easiest way for you to back up a framework

Provided that you manage crucial business data, you ought to always keep a backup of everything, especially if there are tons of corrections made. When using the PHP Framework Installer, you can create a backup of your framework with only a click. Our system will produce the backup file and afterwards upload it inside your account. We’ve not established any restriction on the amount of backups you can create or for the period when you’re able to create them.

Apart from the manual backups which you make, additionally we run automatic backups for your websites regularly. That way, we offer a well designed and protected backup solution for your business project data.

1-click backup