Network connectivity defines a couple of things - exactly how many people will be able to check out a specific website concurrently and how quickly they'll be able to do that. If the connection capacity is lower, for example, the maximum throughput may be hit with a few visitors browsing the site, so newcomers will not be able gain access to the web pages, or in a different scenario, all site visitors may have problems. If the capacity is enough, but the server access speed is very low, it will require longer for any web page on the site to load and this could lead to visitors simply closing the site, if they notice that they ought to wait for a few minutes just to view a couple of webpages. In this light, if you want to launch and maintain a booming presence online, the web server in which you host your site should provide both superior access speeds and great traffic capacity.

2.5 Gbit Network Connectivity in Hosting

Our machines are based in 3 data centers around the world - in the United States, in the UK and in Australia. You'll be able to choose the location of your new hosting account during the signup procedure, but your website visitors won't be able to tell the difference, since the multi-gigabit connection which we use will ensure quick loading speeds for your websites whatever the location of the facility that you've selected. The data centers have direct fiber lines to many major cities in their respective regions and use quite a few Internet backbone providers to ensure swift and consistent access to all the web servers. Also, we use new highly efficient hardware for the network that connects the clusters on our cloud hosting platform, in order to ensure swift access to each website hosted on it.

2.5 Gbit Network Connectivity in Semi-dedicated Servers

The US data center facility where we offer semi-dedicated server packages has top-notch connectivity to both the East Coast and the West Coast. The accounts are created on our groundbreaking website hosting platform, which uses a multi-gigabit traffic channel, so if you host your Internet sites with us, the speed with which the visitors will open them will depend entirely on their Internet connection. The data center uses a selection of Internet providers to ensure that the servers can be reached anytime, even if there’re infrastructural issues, while the redundant network in the facility ensures continuous transmission between the independent clusters of web servers that are part of our system. In addition, we use top-notch hardware, like switches, network cards and firewalls, to handle heavy volumes of site traffic.