Server Side Includes (SSI) is a list of directives that will enable you to contain the content of a text file within an HTML file. This way, you are able to add some content to a few different web pages on your website and alter it simply by editing one text file. You're able to furthermore add the output of different scripts so that the present date and time, the IP address of the visitor or the attributes of some file show on your site. This will let you incorporate some dynamic content to static pages, making the site more desirable to your site visitors and giving it a much more professional overall appearance. It will likewise be simpler to update this content in comparison with updating each static web page one by one. If you want to use Server Side Includes in your website, the pages that include the content of some file must be with extension .shtml.

Server Side Includes in Hosting

It is possible to use Server Side Includes with all hosting packages we provide and activate it independently for each and every domain name or subdomain inside your hosting account. This can be accomplished with an .htaccess file, which should be positiioned in the folder in which you wish to use SSI and you need to put a few lines of code in that file. You will find the code within our Knowledgebase section, so you're able to simply copy and paste it, since you don't need any coding capabilities to take advantage of all of the characteristics that our solutions have. If you have already built your website and you would like to employ Server Side Includes afterwards, you have to make sure that you rename the files from .html to .shtml and correct the links on the site, or else SSI is not going to work.

Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Servers

It is possible to activate and employ Server Side Includes with simply a handful of clicks with any one of our semi-dedicated server offers since the feature is available on the cloud platform where your brand-new account will be configured. All you have to do would be to set up an empty file named .htaccess from your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel and then include a number of lines of code inside. You can find the latter within the Help articles accessible in your account, so you do not require any kind of programming capabilities - you are able to simply copy and paste the code in question. All webpages that will implement Server Side Includes need to have a .shtml extension, so if you add this function to an active site, you need to make sure that you bring up to date all of the links in there.