The UPS and the diesel generator are 2 devices for keeping a web server working in case there are issues with the main power supply - an interruption or unreliable current that can't keep the machine functional, for instance. UPS is an abbreviation for Uninterruptible Power Supply, even though it can often be called Uninterruptible Power Source also. The UPS is, in essence, a powerful battery which is connected to the machine and to the electricity network all the time, so in case of any blackout, it's already functioning, that permits the hosting server to continue doing the job without losing any information. The diesel generator is an engine which can power up an entire data center. It needs some time to start working and it is the UPS that gives it that time. Those 2 power solutions are a requirement for any facility or service provider that wants to stop data loss and hardware damage caused by an unexpected electrical power problem.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Hosting

If you purchase a hosting solution from our company, you'll never have to worry about potential power blackouts resulting in the loss of priceless info, even if you host important sites on our web servers. All the web servers which are part of our revolutionary cluster platform use efficient UPSs that can keep them functional for a long period of time - sufficient for a number of diesel generators to start working and take over. The latter are effective enough to keep all of the three facilities entirely functional for many hours and without any limitations, so your websites shall continue to function perfectly and with no delays or limits. The power backup is among the components behind our 99.9% service uptime warranty.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Semi-dedicated Servers

The semi-dedicated server accounts we offer are created inside a state-of-the-art data center in the town center of Chicago and its electrical power backup system is among the reasons why we are able to guarantee a 99.9% uptime for both the servers which are part of our sophisticated website hosting platform and the network that addresses all of the traffic to and from them. An individual UPS system is connected to every web server to keep it online until a number of generators kick in. The latter are efficient enough to offer electricity for the entire facility for many hours with no need to limit the power consumption or the efficiency of any server or network device, so even in case there is an outage, all of the sites hosted on our platform will still be available without disturbances and will function at top speed.